Dealership Used Trucks Clearance Specials

Used Trucks for Sale Near Bowling Green, KY

Shopping for a used truck can be a rather complicated process. Finding one that has the right combination of capabilities, features, and price for your budget may require lots of searching on your part, as well as a few strike-outs here and there before you land on your ideal used truck.

Or, you could turn to a dealership you trust and explore their inventory of high-quality pre-owned vehicles, trucks included. Don Moore Honda stocks an ever-changing but always varied array of used vehicles from just about every auto manufacturer you can think of. That means that on any given day, you might find trucks in our lot from all the big-name truck brands: Dodge, RAM, GMC, Toyota, Chevy, Ford. All in great condition and all priced to sell.

In addition to our everyday low prices on all of the vehicles we have in stock - used and new - we offer special pricing and discounts that can make the truck you want even more affordable.

View Our Used Truck Inventory Online

Whether you're in the market for a big and basic used truck that's not afraid to take on the heavy jobs; a spacious, feature-loaded pickup with a luxury-grade cabin to serve as the family transportation; or something that sits somewhere between the two extremes, it's a good idea to start your search at Don Moore Honda.

You can filter your inventory search using a variety of criteria including make and model, body style, year, price, features, drivetrain, and even color. Having such a well-honed search function makes it easy to sift through the models we have in stock at any given time and find just what you're looking for--at Don Moore Honda, we like to save you time as well as money.

While you're on our website, you can apply for financing and get a quick estimate of how much your monthly payments will be based on the information you provide.

Find Your Used Truck at Don Moore Honda

Drivers in the Bowling Green, Evansville, and Central City areas know that Don Moore Honda is a dealership you can trust, regardless of whether you're shopping for a new or used model. Our sales associates are happy to help you find exactly the right vehicle that suits your driving needs and budget, and their commitment to excellent customer service makes the entire experience enjoyable and stress free, from the moment you step through our doors.

Visit us at 4216 Frederica Street in Owensboro, KY, and let us show you the Don Moore Honda difference.